Monday 22 April 2019

Week 31: April 22-26, Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend with your family, and that the joy of the Resurrection of Jesus continues through the 50 days of Easter. Spring is finally on the way!

We have a number of events happening this week:

Tomorrow is our turn at the book fair (Gr. 4, morning class). We are the very first class to shop the wonderful selection of books at the fair, and are very excited! The Gr. 5 students will be going on Wednesday (Mme Joly's class) or Thursday (Mrs. Moorman's class). Don't forget your money if you want to buy a book, or a pencil, or other item!

This week is also Earth Week, and the EcoTeam has asked that we pack a litterless lunch all week. We will be taking a class tally of litterless lunches all week. If it can be recycled or reused, it counts as litterless.

Friday is Spring Picture Day! It is the day that sibling pictures are taken as well, so if you would like a sibling group picture, please send a note with the oldest child and we will arrange that for you.

On Friday as well, the Public Health Nurse will be in to do a presentation with the Gr. 4's about tobacco use and smoking, and the health effects of each. This links directly with the health curriculum, and is very informative.

Here's what we are up to in language and math:
Language: Both grades have started a "Book Club" reading group activity. The Grade 4 were assigned one of 4 books on the topic of "Kids Can Do It!", and the Gr. 5 were assigned to one of 4 books on the topic of "Bully-Free Zone". Each day they are responsible for reading an assigned number of pages, discussing the characters, unfamiliar vocabulary, and answering 2 or 3 questions on the reading of the day. The information they gather is collected in a Google Slide available for you to look at in their Hapara Workspace, which you can look at anytime. My comments on each page are written in the "Speaker Notes" of each slide. This book club will take us approximately 2 more weeks to complete.

Math: We are working on Measurement activities in both grades; estimating and measuring linear distances in mm, cm, (dm,) m and km, and converting between them. We will also be looking at perimeter and area, then measuring mass, capacity and volume (Gr. 4) and relating volume to linear measurements (Gr. 5).

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