Sunday 2 June 2019


May was crazy busy, and June is looking even busier! I can't believe it is already June, and the year is almost over. This year has gone by so fast! 

This month has a lot of special activities planned. Please see below:

Mon, June 3 - weather permitting, the junior students will participate in Track and Field tryouts for the OCSB track meet which takes Tuesday, June 18. The events, which we have practiced on previous mornings, will include 100m and 200m running events, as well as long jump and ball throw. The 400m running tryout will take place during a lunch time, and our school does not participate in high jump as we no longer have equipment that meets OPHEA safety guidelines. Please come dressed for outdoor play - comfortable clothes, running shoes, hat and sunscreen and (labelled) water bottle.

Tues, June 4 - is the rain date for track and field tryouts. The Gr. 4 and 5 students will also have a half hour tennis lesson from Capital Camps. 

Thursday, June 6 - the Gr. 5 students will be going on their Field Trip to the OAC for the day. Remember to dress for a day filled with activity - activewear, sunscreen, hat, running shoes, and bring a lunch, extra snacks, water bottle, bathing suit and towel. Weather permitting, we will be swimming and participating in outdoor sports.

Friday, June 7 is a PD day, there is no school for students.

Monday, June 10 is Fun Fair! Always a good time - see you there!

Tuesday, June 11 - in the morning, the junior students are going to a movie matinee at Silver City Theatre to see Asterix and Obelix. While students will not be able to purchase popcorn or snacks at the theatre, they are welcome to bring a water bottle and small snack with them to eat during the movie.

Thursday, June 20 at 9:30 a.m. is our Year End Mass. Parents are always welcome to attend.

Thursday, June 27 is the last day of school.

Fully Alive:
Both Religion teachers have informed me that they have covered the first 2 units of the Fully Alive program, and are ready for me to teach Unit 3.  Fully Alive is a Family Life education program sponsored by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario. In Theme 3: Created Sexual, Male and Female, the students learn that each person is precious, we are all made in the image and likeness of God, and created in a loving relationship.  Each year builds on information from previous years, and is given at an age appropriate level.  The terms used and topics covered can be found here, in each grade's letter from the ACBO (Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario):
Grade 4 Parent Letter
Grade 5 Parent Letter
Please read the letters and discuss the topics with your child, so that they can be prepared.  We will begin next week.  Don't hesitate to contact me if there are any questions or concerns.

Both groups have moved into fractions, and some students are finding the topic challenging. Seeing fractions both as part of a whole (for example, some slices of pizza have been eaten, what fraction is left?) and as part of a set (what fraction of students are boys, and what fraction are girls?) can be confusing. As well, fractions greater than 1, (example, I have 14 slices of cheese pizza and 18 slices of pepperoni, how many pizzas do I have? Show an improper fraction and a mixed number). We will continue to work on these concepts this month.

The students have just completed a Media report on a movie or game of their choice, that they have watched and / or played and are familiar with. They had to tell what it was about, and research what it is rated in Canada and why. They then had to tell whether they agree with that rating, and justify their answer. There was a wide range of movies and games! Most were great movies and interesting, creative games. However, I can say I am truly surprised and concerned by the number of students allowed to play games well outside of their age range. 
We will be using Language time to teach Unit 3 of Fully Alive for the next little while, in between events and field trips.

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