Sunday 16 September 2018

Week 3: Sept 17-21

It was great to meet so many of you at Curriculum Night on Wednesday!  If you were not able to make it, here is a link to my presentation. Please let me know if there is anything you would like more information about, or if you have any questions.

We had a very busy first full week back, and it looks like our schedule will look like this: 
Grade 4 will have their library time during their Tuesday Religion period, and Gr. 5 will have their library time during their Friday Religion period.

In Math, we completed the rest of the Week of Inspirational Math videos and activities from Youcubed, the Stanford University site produced by Jo Boaler. They really enjoyed growing their brains, and trying new activities! We have moved on to our Numeration unit; making and ordering numbers to the ten thousands place (Gr. 4) and to the hundred thousands place (Gr. 5). This week, as our warmup, we will be playing a fun game called JunkIt that you can play at home, to emphasize the importance of place value. All you need is a dice, a piece of scrap paper, and a pencil or pen. Set up your game board like this:
Take turns rolling the dice and placing the number you rolled on a line. You have 2 opportunities to "Junk It" if a roll is not what you wanted. The player with the highest number wins! You can switch it up and have the player with the smallest number win. There is some luck, and some strategy involved.

In Gr. 4 Language Arts, we finished our Read-Aloud about Marcenia Lyle/Toni Stone, and have moved on to a shared reading activity, Zero's Math Adventures. We wrote a short paragraph about a dream we have for our future, and some obstacles we may have to overcome to reach our dream. 

In Gr. 5 Language Arts, we finished our Read-Aloud, Beautiful Warrior, The Legend of the Nun's Kung Fu, and moved on to the shared reading activity, which was a pamphlet entitled, "Being a Genie". The students have read the information and are considering whether they may actually be Genies themselves! They are also designing pamphlets of their own, with their own creative "Being a ___". I can't wait to find out if I'm a cat, unicorn, fluffy bunny or rainbow sprinkle cupcake! 

Terry Fox walk permission forms will be coming home soon. It is being held Oct. 4 this year, and volunteers are always needed!

Please remember to return:
-chocolate money or unsold chocolates; more are also available if you would like to sell more
-the forms that were sent home on the first day if you haven't already

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