Sunday 23 September 2018

Week 4: Sept 24-28

Wow, that was some weather on Friday! Our prayers are with those students, families and schools affected by the winds and tornadoes that touched down in our area on Friday, Sept, 21. Please note the following in response to the damage:

In math this week, both groups worked on games and activities designed to give them a better understanding of place value. Gr. 4 are required to read, understand and record numbers to the ten thousands place, and Gr. 5 to the hundred thousands. Each group completed an Exit Ticket, which is a brief evaluative snapshot, on Thursday. Any child who did not demonstrate an understanding of standard, expanded and word form of numbers, as well as the value of digits in place value, went over the exit ticket 1:1 with either myself or my parent volunteer to ensure understanding. We are moving on to applying our knowledge to addition and subtraction in the coming week.

In Language Arts, both groups will be learning about Terry Fox and his incredible contribution to raising funds for cancer research. This is in preparation for our own Terry Fox walk on Oct. 4. (Please remember to return permission slips if you haven't already.) Gr. 4 will be connecting the story of Terry having a dream and the steps he took to reach his to their own dreams and the steps they will have to take to reach theirs. Gr. 5 will look at a biography of Terry, as we are reading a biography of Thomas Prince right now. We will follow that up with writing biographies of our own in the coming weeks, and presenting them to the class.

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